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Breeding Programme The Kinsky Horse


Breeding Programme

The Kinsky Horse





The legal basis for breeding the Kinsky Horses is Act No. 154/2000 Coll., on Improving, Breeding and Documentation of Farmed Animals and Amending of Some Relating Acts and Regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, through which some provisions of this act are performed. It complies with a long-term programme proposed by Rada plemenné knihy (Studbook Council, hereinafter referred to as the RPK), and approved by a recognised association for breeding. SCHKK (Svaz chovatelů koní Kinských – The Kinsky Horses Breeding Union) records the studbook for Kinsky Horses (hereinafter referred to as KK) and ensures the implementation of the breeding programme.


The breeding programme (hereinafter referred to as ŠP) enforces and implements the breeding procedures that result in reaching the breeding aim. The basic method is the breed selection (positive selection), and the breeding type and sexual dimorphism, as well as physique and performance during performance tests or in competitions are all evaluated. The suitable methods of specification of breeding value are also used in the assessment.


ŠP is a guarantee of objective specification and evaluation for the needs of breeders. It secures maintenance of this national breed and its successful breeding and application. It sets the breeding aim, selection programme, determination and documentation of performance, hereditary control, evaluation of characteristics, publishing the breeding results achieved and breeding procedures.




  1. Studbooks


The breeding programme of KK includes all breeding horses recorded into the one of these studbooks:

  • Studbook of stallions (hereinafter referred to as PK)
  • Main studbook of mares (hereinafter referred to as HPK)
  • Studbook of mares (hereinafter referred to as PK)
  • Subsidiary studbook of mares (hereinafter referred to as PPK)
  • Sport

For the studbooks, the abbreviation PK is used hereinafter.


  1. Breeding Methods


  1. The basic breeding method is pure-breeding, i.e. the stallions from the PK are allowed to mate with the mares from the HPK, PK and PPK.
  2. Given that the KK breed has been, within a recent, relatively long period, influenced also by the stallions of a universal working type, the point of the first phase of breeding was especially to harmonise breeding into the working type the main aim, which was to maintain in the population the PGKK (Original genes of the Kinsky Horses) and the gene for cream coat colour. It is not desirable here to disproportionately increase the number of light palominos and cream-coloured horses. Therefore, suitable stallions of colours other than golden and cream of the corresponding working type and character will be used that can be established in further lines.
  3. Regarding the extent of the population, it will be necessary to maintain the kinships at a reasonable degree.  Thus we count on the application of a rotation system for stallions in the families of mares and on an assessment of the population in individual generations with regard to the value of the coefficient of inbreeding (Fx). For stabilization of the working type, it will be possible, in reasonable cases, to use linebreeding, however, maximally to the degree “close”.
  4. The basic criterion of selection for the HPK and PK is family membership, the presence of PGKK, minimal KVH (stick measurement) and a working type. An entry into the PPK will also be permitted for thoroughbred mares.

Since 2015, the second phase of breeding follows with emphasizing the stabilization of the desirable type. Since 2013, a Premium Award has been conferred to the individual horses that conform to the type at the National KK Show, which becomes a part of identification of the horse jointly with a record into its Certificate of Origin, and it is registered in the PK and also in the Certificate of Origin of the foals born after the awarded parents.

Since 2015, the record of the mares into the sections of the PK has been made exclusively on the basis of assessment of the mares by a selection committee after fulfilling seven points of ŘPK.

  1. Information about the original genes of the Kinsky Horses (PGKK) will be registered in the KK. The calculation of the original genes of the Kinsky Horses (PGKK) is described in a separate addendum.

Substantially, the thoroughbred stallions registered in the PKH may not mate with the thoroughbred mares registered in the sections of the PK.

  1. The analysis of families of the Kinsky Horses:
    1. Family N established by a half-blood mare Nancy, continuing through granddaughter 27 Nedejse, light palomino, born in 1904. This family was reared in its original type, with some exceptions, one of which was especially stallion 957 Notář from the Hannover stallion Alarm that managed, mainly due to its fertility, to maintain the golden gene especially in the eastern region of Bohemia. A large number of high-performance racing horses stem from this family, especially the winner VP Norma, the stallion Nezamysl, the mare Najada and others.
    2. Family J established by an English half-blood mare Hero I and continuing with a palomino mare Jitřenka, born in 1945 from the sire Przedswit III. A large number of horses with very good sporting performance stem from this family, especially in terms of universality (Jelena, Jalna, Jena and others). The members of this family were also indicated by a corresponding type.
    3. Family Č established by a mare VČ 391 Čita from Cesar is among the most widely spread ones. From the family come the thoroughbred stallions 7 Marin lipský-1, 4218 Marin lipský-2, 23 Varin lipský, 155 Alarm lipský-2, 3262 Tuzex, 3261 Darex, 333 Almhirt týnský, 409 Garut humburský, 497 Div týnský, 525 Taarlo Kubišta-1 and 2712 Taarlo Kubišta-2. The family was bred rather in the combined type, although the stallions were used here as riding types, too, including the English thoroughbred horses.
    4. Family M was established by the cream mare Jiskra and it continued with the daughters Jizera, Julka and Jitra, later marked as M. The family members are more in the type of medium large universally farmer horses.
    5. The family O was established by A1/1 mare Queen of Haerts. The family then was strongly influenced by an English half-blood strain Furioso and in the most recent period, it has contributed to spread gene variability within the colour. The members of this family are indicated by very good work characteristics.


  1. Limiting the usability of stallions

The selected stallions have to meet the conditions for a record to the PK KK in terms of evaluating the interior, family tree and performance according to Order of the Studbook. Usage of the stallions of other breeds (see paragraph 4) is specified and limited.


  1. Usage of other breeds

In order to fulfil the criteria for KK, the breed of English thoroughbred may be used (see ŘPK KK).


Usage of other breeds is possible after the approval of the RPK KK only, and a benefit for the regeneration of the breed must be proven.


  1. Evaluation and testing of utility characteristics

For breeding horses, the breed type and sexual dimorphism, family tree, percentile of PGKK, physique, performance and health condition are all evaluated. The rules of evaluation are specified in Zkušební řád (“Evaluation Regulations” – hereinafter referred to as ZŘ), where the protocols prescribed are also specified. The results will be regularly published.


  1. Methods of selection

Given the small population, especially the directional (directed) method will be applied especially for the type, health and character. Furthermore, the stabilization selection will be applied, especially for maintaining the required type and character of horses bred.


  1. Young foals and foals will be selected:
  2. During selection for the testing nursery
  3. During pre-selection for breeding
  4. During the basic performance tests
  5. When conferring selection
  6. On the basis of the information about the offspring


  1. Young mares and mares will be selected:
  2. When being designated as a mare
  3. During the performance tests
  4. When being recorded into the studbook


The methods of selection will be developed by the breeding committee and performed in individual gaits. The basic selection criteria are the part of conditions for recording into the PK. The results will be regularly published.


  1. Assessment of the monitored characteristics

The signs specified below in the stallions and mares are assessed in such a way that the quality and health of reared horses were maintained through the elimination of defects in bodily proportions, mechanics of movement, expression of performance and by eliminating the hereditary conditional (genetic) defects. 


The evaluation and description of bodily proportions is made before recording into the PK. The evaluation of horses is carried out on so-called gatherings, breed exhibitions, during the performance tests or exceptionally – on the basis of an individual request – at the breeder’s.


The evaluation is made according to the following framework:

a) Breeding type and sexual dimorphism

b) Bodily proportions

b1) Body frame

b2) Head

b3) Neck

b4) Topline

b5) Front legs

b6) Hind legs

c) Regularity of movements

d) Gait

e) Trot – rhythm and elasticity

f) Gallop

g) Free-jump

h) Dressage

i) Riding ability

j) Jumping tests under saddle


a) Breeding type and sexual dimorphism

Desirable: a noble sport horse of a medium body frame, dry joints, well-muscled, with a fine expressed sexual dimorphism.

Undesirable: small or overgrown horse, rough or lymphatic, too long or too short body frame, lacking sexual dimorphism.


b) Body proportions

The aim is a correct and harmonic proportion without major defects.


b1) Body frame

Desirable: Medium-sized, shorter rectangular.

Undesirable: Short or long.


b2) Head

Desirable: Dry, noble head with a distinctive eye and well-formed elastic mouth.

Undesirable: Large, disharmonic, arched in the front or nasal part, deep-set or bulging eye, rigid, short lip corner.


b3) Neck

Desirable: Medium-long, well-muscled, medium-high set (almost vertically to the shoulder), slightly rounded, lightly and regularly flexible between the head and the withers.

Undesirable: High set, too long or too short, reversed or strong.


b4) Back

Desirable: Appropriately long, marked withers fluently transforming into the fixed, medium-long, yet flexible back that continues into fixed, well-built loins.

Undesirable: Sharp or indifferent withers, soft or carp-back and long offset loins.


b5) Front legs

Desirable: Long diagonal scapula with a well-muscled shoulder, regular posture, dry marked joints, shorter front cannon, it should not exceed 2/3 of a forearm, medium long pastern at an angle of 45° – 50°, regular hoof, ample, with a quality coronet.

Undesirable: Steep shoulder, long cannon, steep or soft pastern, lymphatic joints, tied-in, tangled or benched cannon, badly angled and defective hoof, irregular postures.


b6) Hind legs

Desirable: Regular posture, strong and muscled thigh, slightly leaned long croup, wide strong knee, dry and well-angled (140 – 150°) wide hock, the pastern and the hoof make both one half of the total length and the angle of pastern forms an angle 50 – 55° to the ground.

Undesirable: Irregular postures, tight short hock, steep croup.


c) Regularity of movement

Desirable: From both the front and rear observed movement of the legs straight in one straight line.

Undesirable: Throwing around, grinding.


d) Gait

Desirable: Four-beat, the legs move regularly, slightly powerfully, the rear hoofs advance with overtracking of the front hoof.

Undesirable: Stringhalt, advanced step, step without rhythm.


e) Trot – rhythm and elasticity

Desirable: Two-beat rhythm, ample, elastic, marked movement of croup with involvement of the back muscles, the front shoulder is well relaxed.

Undesirable: More restricted, indifferent.


f) Gallop

Desirable: Three-beat rhythm, elastic, powerful, with a good movement of the croup, with flexible hock.

Undesirable: More restricted, with only a little movement


g) Free jump

Desirable: An attentive horse with lust for jumping, focused, with quick, powerful take-off, arched back and neck (a bascule), with a marked movement of the withers upwards, flexible back and open-angle in the hocks.

Undesirable: A high nose during the jump, front leg released, flat jump, rigid or benched back, inattentiveness, fearfulness.


h) Dressage

Desirable: Horse with character, behaving well both in the stall and under saddle, causes no serious complications during treatment, correcting, shodding and veterinary interventions, it is of a vivid nature, tough constitution, good feeding behaviour, trainable.

Undesirable: Nervous, lazy or rebellious horse, poorly communicating in terms of the above specified activities, lacking temperament, soft constitution or bad feeding behaviour.


i) Riding ability

Desirable: Relaxed, elastic and flexible horse, moving in a good balance, focused on the cues of the rider and accepting them willingly, flexible, able to maintain rhythm.

Undesirable: Not so elastic, tense, inflexible horse, with problems to keep balance, reacting poorly, excitably or rebelliously to the rider’s cues, failing to keep rhythm in some of its steps.


j) Jumping tests under saddle

Desirable: Willing horse, overcoming the obstacles in a good style and with a reasonable respect, regularly and leisurely moving among the obstacles both during approach and after landing, it is easy to control.

Undesirable: Unwilling horse, rigidly or flatly jumping, shows too much or no respect before the obstacles, hard to control.


Measuring the horse for recording into the PK

In case of mares recorded into the PKK, these dimensions are determined:

  • Height at the withers – stick measurement (KVH)
  • Height at the withers – tape measurement (KVP)
  • Chest size (OH)
  • Cannon size (Ohol)


In case of stallions recorded into the PKH, these dimensions are determined:

Measured with a tape:

  • Height at the withers – tape measurement (KVP)
  • Chest size (OH)
  • Canon size (Ohol)


Measured with a stick:

  • Height at the withers – stick measurement (KVH)
  • Height at the saddle
  • Height at the croup
  • Height at the dock
  • Depth of chest (difference KVH – height of thigh)
  • Width of chest
  • Width of chest behind the scapula
  • Front width of pelvis
  • Medium width of pelvis
  • Diagonal length of body


  1. Health condition

In breeding horses, an excellent health condition is required, fertility and gene pool without hereditary conditional defects and diseases.


The health condition of the offspring is assessed during the first documentation under the mare and during the recording of the mares and stallions into the PK. For young horses, the growth and development are assessed, and the individuals are excluded that lag behind the development and have obvious hereditary conditional defects and diseases. The scope of hereditary conditional defects detected and known: bite irregularities, inflammation of the inner eye, allopathic eczema, cryptorchidism and bad habits. The RPK regularly assesses the knowledge detected.


  1. Testing nurseries

Operation of the testing nursery complies with the operational code approved by SCHKK. This code specifies the prescribed documentation, animal-hygiene requirements and rules for the nursery. The testing nurseries are constituted for a quality nursery of foals and in order to secure the possibility of timely gain of information about quality of the thoroughbreds used in a breed. The purpose of testing is the evaluation of the heredity inspection of the thoroughbreds in comparable circumstances. An institution is considered as a testing nursery where you have the possibility to nurse, prepare and perform basic testing with at least 10 foals from a single year of warmblood breeds with the identical circumstances for testing. SCHKK sets the minimal number of foals in the testing nursery that relate to two foals of the KK breed of a single year.


The testing nursery must be equipped with at least:

  • Properly bordered pastures with the possibility of watering and pasture area relating to one foal:
  • 0.3 ha / to 1 year of age
  • 0.4 ha / from 1 year to 3 years
  • 0.5 ha / over 3 years of age
    • Suitable stable for  free stabling with the possibility of individual additional nutrition
    • Firm ground for evaluating and presenting the horses
    • Running track for assessment of mechanics of movement and jumping display
    • Possibility of separate rearing from individual years
    • Quality staff with basic knowledge of animal hygiene and first aid interventions in treating minor injuries before the veterinarian is called.


For the performance of basic testing – possibility of box-stabling with the capacity for at least 10 boxes; the possibility of preparation and presenting the horses in any weather conditions and quality riding staff.


The testing institution must guarantee the complete testing, including the final exam.


The testing committee for the foals of KK breed in the nursery is appointed by the committee of SCHKK.



Negotiated during the meeting of VV on 24.02.2015

Approved by VH on 01.03.2015


Approved by Mze, dated 15.05.2015


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