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Studbook Regulations of the Kinsky Horses and Branding Regulations


Studbook Regulations of the Kinsky Horses

and Branding Regulations



  1. The Basic Features of the Studbook Regulations [ŘPK]


The legal foundation for breeding Kinsky Horses is Act No. 154/2000 Coll., on Improving, Breeding and Documentation of Livestock and the Amendment of Some Related Acts and Regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic by which some provisions of this act and subsequent amendments are performed. The binding regulations are specified below:

  • Breeding aim
  • Breeding programme of the breed.


  1. The Purpose of the ŘPK, its Performance, Characteristics and Classification


  1. The purpose of ŘPK is to ensure a methodical and systematic improvement of the genetic level of the breeding population of the breed in order to maintain typical characteristics, i.e. utility type and characteristics including typical colour.
  2. In order to fulfil the aim of SCHKK [The Kinsky Horses’ Breeding Union], which is the owner of the PK [Studbook]
  3. It sets the breed standard and the breeding aim including the programmes and methods of breeding and the scope and methods of ensuring and testing characteristics and physical traits;
  4. It evaluates and regulates the development of the breed;
  5. It registers breeding animals and their offspring in the PK;
  6. It registers and confirms the origin and breeding value of  breeding animals;
  7. It sets the parameters for selection of the breeding animals that are selected for the reproduction purposes and it takes part in that selection;
  8. It initiates and maintains contact with similar organizations in the Czech Republic as well as abroad;
  9. It releases the information about the status and results of PK; about the qualitative categories of animals in cooperation with the organization authorized by maintaining a central registry (hereinafter as ÚE);
  10. The studbook is available for all the breeders, the horses of which also fulfil the conditions for entry in the future perspective.


  1. Breeding Population


The breeding population includes all the stallions and mares registered in the PK KK.


  1. Means of Recording the Studbook


The PK is recorded in the form of a computer database and is continuously updated with recently collected and received data. The administration, maintenance and updating of software is ensured by SCHKK in cooperation with other organizations.


  1. Breakdown of the Studbook


The PK is divided into:

  • Studbook of stallions (PKH)
  • Main studbook of mares (HPK)
  • Studbook of mares (PK)
  • Subsidiary studbook of mares (PPK)
  • Sport studbook (PKS)
  • Breeding registry (PR)
  • Mating registry (PřR)
  • Registry of breeders
  • Registry of conferred Premiums and higher awards


  1. Conditions of Registration into the Studbook of Stallions


A stallion may be entered into PKH that has proven origins traceable to at least the  4th generation of predecessors on both lines and fulfils the conditions specified in point 8 of ŠP (health state).

The stallions entered into the PKH excluding A1/1 and stallions with a specific contribution of exceptionally selected by the RPK (point 4 of the ŠP) must have a PGKK higher than 5 %.

The stallion may be entered into the PKH based on a recommendation from the RPK and after approval by the executive body.

The RPK will check whether the stallion fulfils all the conditions of registration and whether it considers it suitable and viable for implementation of the breeding programme. For this purpose, the owner of the stallion has to provide all required documents and results of examination ordered by the state authority or SCHKK.


For the registration of stallions (sperm) into PKH, the following conditions are applicable:


a) Stallions passed the performance test according to point 4 of the ZŘ




b) Stallions after the sport testing -

  • were evaluated with mark 7.1 and higher for a) breeding type and sexual dimorphism and b) physique according to point 7 of the breeding programme;
  • participated within one season in at least 3 jumping competitions of grade “S” with an average evaluation of 8 penalty points in a competition;
  • participated within one season in at least 3 dressage competitions of the St. George grade with an average score of more than 50 %;


  • finished 2 military CIC* competitions within one season;


  • participated in at least 3 harness competitions grade CAN with three sections of marathon in two consecutive seasons;


  • have reached at least 60 kg of the national handicap in a jump race;




c) Thoroughbred stallions -

  • were evaluated with a mark 7.1 and higher in the case of notes for a) breeding type and sexual dimorphism and b) physique according to point 7 of the breeding programme;
  • behave in such a way that they could contribute to improvement of some characteristics required and have reached at least 70 kg of handicap;


d) The stallions in foreign countries from which only the insemination dosages are available;

  • Their registration may be performed on the basis of the owner’s requirement, recommendation of RPK and approval of the executive body of SCHKK. The stallion may be registered in the studbook of the stallions in another hot-blooded union on the basis of the results of the performance tests or of its own performance. All materials required for the registration into the studbook of the stallions as well as the fees shall be covered by the applicant.


Selection for KK mares is granted to the stallions registered in the PKH at the owner’s request.


  1. The Conditions of Registration into the Studbook of Mares

The mares of other hot-blooded breeds with a proportion of the PGKK and purebreaded mares may be registered into the PK KK of mares on the basis of the selection at a show or at the National Exhibition. The selection committee is proposed by the RPK and approved by the executive committee.


7.1.Main studbook

Mares have to meet all the following conditions (a to d):

a/ mares must have a score of 7.1 points and more;

b/ a mare has to fulfil at least one sub-point related to the PGKK;

1) the mares coming from recognized families N, J, M, O, Č with a proportion of PGKK

2) the mares with a proportion of PGKK higher than 5 %

c/ mares with a wither-stick height of at least 159 cm KVH

d/ mares with a pedigree traceable back at least to the 4th generation


The mares that gained 3 Premiums or higher awards within adulthood or three of her offspring gained at least one Premium or a higher award each may also be entered into the HPK.


  1. Studbook

The mares have to fulfil all the conditions below:

a/ a score of 6.1 points or more

b/ a proportion of PGKK higher than 5%

c/ a wither-stick height of at least 158 cm KVH

d/ a pedigree traceable back at least to the 4th generation


  1. Subsidiary studbook

A mare has to fulfil the conditions below:

a/ Purebreded mares, furthermore hot-blooded mares  with a portion higher than 0 % share of PGKK which may not be entered into the higher sections of PK,

b/ wither-stick height of at least 156 cm KVH

c/ a pedigree traceable back to the 2nd generation


  1. Sport studbook


  • with a pedigree traceable in both lines,
  • with a minimum KVH of 159 cm
  • that fulfil the condition for registration into the one of the sections of the PK KK (HPK, PK, PPK)
  • that fulfil the sport performance specified below:

a) with its own performance of “S” grade up to 12 penalty points, according to the “A” scale or higher (jumps) or “S” above 58 % or higher (dressage) or a finished CIC* competition (versatility) or a completely finished grade “T” competition in harness (five-year mare or older);

b) with the performance of their offspring “S” grade and higher (jumps) or “S” or higher (dressage) or CIC* competition (versatility) or a completely finished grade “T” competition in harness (five-year mare or older);

c) three year old mares that achieved 8.1 points or higher in the performance tests;

d) mares that have min. 1 offspring (stallions, mares) that went through the basic performance tests scoring 8.1 points or higher;

e) mares of four, five or six-year category that qualified for the KMK or Sport Horses Championship final;

f) mares that have a colt entered into in the PKH on the basis of sport performance

A mare is classified into this PK at the request of her owner.


  1. The Studbook Further Includes


  • breeding registry (PR)
  • mating acts registry (PřR)
  • breeders’ registry
  • the registry of received Premiums and higher awards


Both male and female offspring of the stallions and mares are recorded into the PR up until registration into the PK. In case the offspring are not registered in the PK, they are still recorded in the PR.


All mating acts are recorded in the PřR including the inseminations performed and embryo transfers. PřR is reproduced in copies and includes:

  • the original – it is printed in black; after the mating act it is sent to the central registry by SCHKK;
  • 1st copy – it is printed in red and remains with SCHKK;
  • 2nd copy – it is printed in blue and is an announcement of the birth of a foal – after the foal’s birth, it is sent to the employee who is authorized to brand the horses;
  • 3rd copy – it has a green print and it serves as a document for the central registry needed for issuing a horse licence and issuing a confirmation of the origin of KK. The employee who performs the branding of the horses shall complete it and send it.


  1. Details Recorded in the Studbook  


  1. Identification number of the horse,
  2. Basic number and name as registered in the PK of stallions or a file number and the names of stallions or the file number and name in the relevant PK of mares,
  3. Date of birth (day, month, year),
  4. Breed and sex,
  5. Basic colour and description of both natural and acquired traits, basic body measurements,
  6. Resulting evaluation at the time of registration into the PK, conferring the Premium and the year it was conferred,
  7. Identification number or the basic number and the name of the filly or mare,
  8. Name, surname and address of the breeder,
  9. Name, surname and address of the current owner,
  10. Date of registration into PK,
  11. Date of exclusion from the breeding programme and the reason for it,
  12. Required verification of the origin for horses born from insemination and embryo transfer,
  13. The results in breeding and results of performance tests and sport performance of the horse,
  14. For breeding stallions, specification of genetic type and colour genotype,
  15. Chip number.


  1. Changes in the Studbook Details


  • Change of the owner or of his/her address – it is carried out after submission of both the completed Change Announcement and the horse licence;
  • The changes in result records – it is performed at the owner’s request;
  • Withdrawal of the mare –the owner will perform in writing within 6 weeks at the latest before the end of the given year; in case of death or slaughtering, the outputs from the ÚE [central registry] may be used;
  • Re-registration of a mare – the mare may be registered again if the current owner asks for it and he/she supports this request with a proof of payment of the relevant fee;  
  • Conferring of Premium or higher award is performed by the SCHKK committee.


  1. Authorities of the Studbook


  • The Studbook Council (RPK)

The Studbook Council is appointed by the executive body of SCHKK. The RPK has at least three members and is assigned for a period of 4 years.


The RPK creates the conceptual breeding rules. It sets methodical and organizational procedures, the principles of the control of utility and heredity, the principles of management and control of the PK; it inspects the conditions of performance tests.


It has the right, given serious justification, to suspend, deny or cancel an entry into the PK. These reasons are, e. g, a remarkable deterioration in level and health conditions of the breed; serious omissions in documentation; breaching the PK Rule etc. For the same reason, it is also possible to deny even the entry of individual animals, especially stallions, into PK. It submits all these for approval to the executive committee of SCHKK.


  • Evaluation committee

The principles of their structure and work are set in the Breeding Programme and Examination Code.


  1. Issuing Documents of Origin


An official document is a Confirmation of the Origins of a Horse – issued by SCHKK.


This is issued for the breeding horses recorded in the PK and for their offspring. The Confirmation of the Origins of a Horse is issued after registration, branding the foal and after performance of the genetic test for the purpose of verification of the origins and after sending the approved mating certificate to the address of ÚE.


For older horses, the applicant has to submit an order (request) jointly with an original of the mating certificate. This document has the validity of an official document of origins and serves as proof of origins in all cases.



  1. Marking, Identification and Naming Horses


Marking and identification is in compliance with the valid directives related to Act No 154/2000 Coll. and its amendments.


The Kinsky Horse breed has the code number 25.


Each horse receives an identification number as a foal, which is a 15-digit number. It does not change and is valid throughout the entire life of a horse, even in cases of transfers into other PK.


Setting the genetic type and colour genotype is urgently needed before the recording of a stallion into the PKH. The costs related to this are defrayed by the owner.


The horses that are branded after 30/06/2009 must be branded with a verbal and visual description and implanted with a chip in accordance with Directive of the European Committee (ES) 504/2008 and Directive No. 136/2004 Coll., as amended. Marking of the breed symbol is not compulsory.


In the case of every registered horse or of a horse presented for registration, SCHKK may request the verification of origins. For all foals born of a KK, the verification is compulsory. In these cases, SCHKK bears the related costs and stores the certificate of the results of the test.


The foals that are born outside the territory of the Czech Republic and fulfil the conditions for entry into the PKKK Register must be branded with a verbal and visual description and implanted with a chip in accordance with Directive of the European Committee (ES) 504/2008 and Directive No. 136/2004 Coll., as amended. Branding the breeding trait is not compulsory. The breeder whose foal was born outside the territory of the Czech Republic is obliged to send the 2nd copy of the PřR to SCHKK. Depending on the number of foals, SCHKK with an employee who is authorized to brand the horses will organize a show during which the foals will be branded, or the breeder will arrange another place with the employee who is authorized to brand the horses. The costs related to marking a horse are always covered by the owner of that horse. On the basis of the received 2nd copies of PřR, SCHKK will notify the owner of the horses of the place and date of the show. It will also provide the owners with contact details of the employee who is authorized to brand the horses, if they wish to brand the horses individually.


Branding the Breed Symbol


The brand of the breed symbol in Kinsky horses (see the pictures in the separate annex) is applied in the horses of mares registered into the HPK, PK KK, PP KK or PK Sport and of stallions registered into the PKH KK.


The brand is made onto the left thigh of a horse on the basis of confirmation issued by SCHKK.

Branding the horse with a hot iron is voluntary, and the owner bears the costs related to it.


Naming Horses

The foals are given a name, the first letter of which is identical to that of the family name.


The mares included in HPK must have an initial letter of their name identical to the family name.


The foals of mares registered into the HPK and PK being of palomino or cream colour may use the surname KINSKY.


  1. International Cooperation and Cooperation with Other Unions and Organizations


SCHKK ensures international cooperation and cooperation with other entities, especially in addressing and innovating methodological, organizational and technical procedures in recording PK and in outlining and recognizing the documentation for international trade with breeding animals etc. It provides a guarantee for PK KK against foreign regions.


  1. Funding

Recording the PK is a special-purpose activity that is performed for the benefit of members of the PK and for the systematic care and enhancement of the breed. The necessary costs related to maintaining the PK and ensuring its technical and organizational development are covered from the fees for interventions paid to the breeder, grants or related activities of SCHKK and organizations authorized to perform individual activities and from bequests and gifts.


The amount of the fees and manner of management are set by the financial regulations of SCHKK. The financial regulations are proposed and updated by the committee according to the financial situation and it is approved by the general assembly.  


  1. Studbook Regulation Compliance

The committee and RPK ensure compliance with the studbook regulations as well as with the ŠP and the ZŘ. In case of any shortcomings uncovered, the member of committee or of the RPK is obliged, if it is possible, to seek a remedy on site and present their findings at the nearest committee meeting. Compliance with all provisions of this rule is also ensured by the Revision Committee (RK) that is elected for a four-year period by the general assembly.



In Hradištko on 01/03/2015



Approved by VH SCHKK on 01/03/2015

Approved by the Ministry of Agriculture on 13/05/2015



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